Pete Conlon: Ensuring Success by Developing Capital Partner Relationships

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Pete helps make projects possible by securing financing from a portfolio of equity partners.

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In addition to helping clients achieve their visions through real estate development and innovative design-build solutions, we have the capabilities to secure financing. Our strong relationships with equity capital partners enable us to secure efficient, cost-effective project capitalization tailored to client needs. Pete Conlon, senior director of capital markets, makes that possible.

Pete serves as a single point of contact for equity capital partners, securing capital for all project types across the country. He manages the entire process, which includes collaborating closely with our developers and clients, analyzing requirements and identifying capital partners, structuring partnership terms and negotiating venture agreements.

When he joined Opus in 2015, the real estate industry and broader economy were making continuous improvement following the great financial crisis. Confident in our capabilities and the strength of the Opus teams across the country, Pete forged ahead establishing relationships based on trust with many of the largest investors in the real estate industry. Identifying the right investment partner that shares a common vision of long-term success and then structuring appropriate terms on a project-by-project basis has been critical. Fast forward to today and we have an established group of equity capital partners and a growing track record of successful projects involving equity capital.

Building a Career in Commercial Real Estate

Pete started his career in a commercial brokerage in San Francisco after graduating from the University of California, Davis. He then transitioned to the investment management side of the business, joining a real estate private equity firm in San Francisco that invested with operators and developers throughout the country. As a next step in his career, Pete moved to New York and obtained a masters degree in real estate finance. Following grad school, he moved to Minneapolis and joined a fortune 50 company where he helped manage the company's large portfolio of office and distribution properties around the world, which totaled approximately 55 million square feet. These experiences ultimately led him to Opus.

“My background as a broker and with the investment management firm while working in the San Francisco Bay Area gave me perspective into the client-side of transactions," he said. “I understand the expectations and time constraints of end users, as well as the priorities and demands of investors when underwriting a project. My goal is always to manage risk, minimize uncertainty and make the process easier for everyone involved – the client, our equity partners and our developers."

When asked what attracted him to this line of work, Pete said, “Real estate is entrepreneurial and creative. Every project is unique with its own business plan, strategy and vision. It's interesting to watch all the various aspects and stakeholders involved on a project coalesce around a common vision. The final outcome – when construction is complete and raw land is transformed into a newly constructed building where people live, work or shop – is highly rewarding."

Relationships are Key

Pete believes relationships are key. “Real estate is really a relationship business. Our work is based on trust, working in concert with multiple involved parties, including but not limited to, our equity partners, lenders, brokers and ultimately the residents and companies who live or work in our buildings. Over time, those relationships have grown stronger, and I really enjoy that part of my work at Opus."

“Pete is a seasoned veteran of the real estate industry," said Dave Menke, president and CEO. “With more than 16 years in the industry and a wide-range of project experience, he is an expert at developing strong relationships and managing complex transactions to secure financing for our growing pipeline of projects."


Pete is an active member of the Urban Land Institute and NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association.


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Topics: Associate Profile | Minneapolis | Development | People | Capital Markets