Cretin-Derham Hall: Small Details, Big Difference

Cretin-Derham Hall: Small Details, Big Difference

Opus recently completed a project for Cretin-Derham Hall, a Catholic high school in St. Paul, Minn. The work included remodeling of classrooms, a new fire sprinkler system, and security improvements happening during the summer with continued construction of an addition to the school through the fall semester.

Opus worked closely with Cretin-Derham Hall to prepare a disruption mitigation plan for the project. After successful completion of the summer work we wanted to express our appreciation for everyone’s patience. On a Sunday night during the project several Opus associates delivered cookies to all staff. The cookies were a hit, and the staff appreciated that we took time to acknowledge their inconvenience.

This is just one of many examples of how Opus associates consistently identify opportunities of all sizes, and take action to go above and beyond for our clients.

See more stories on our projects in the Education sector here.